Here you'll find articles, publications, presentations, and safer use guides on safer smoking in harm reduction.
Please email submissions to info@smokeworks.org
1990s - 2000's
- Non-injection drug use and Hepatitis C Virus: A systematic review
- Hepatitis C virus transmission among oral crack users: viral detection on crack paraphernalia
- High prevalence of hepatitis C virus infection among noninjecting drug users: association with sharing the inhalation implements of crack
- Opportunities to learn and barriers to change: crack cocaine use in the Downtown Eastside of Vancouver
- Pizzey R, Hunt N. Distributing foil from needle and syringe programmes (NSPs) to promote transitions from heroin injecting to chasing: an evaluation
- Potential community and public health impacts of medically supervised safer smoking facilities for crack cocaine users
- An Exploratory Study of Inhalers and Injectors Who Used Black Tar Heroin
- “We need somewhere to smoke crack”: An ethnographic study of an unsanctioned safer smoking room in Vancouver, Canada
- SMOKE IT! Promoting a change of opiate consumption pattern - from injecting to inhaling
- Poliquin H, Bertrand K, Flores-Aranda J, Roy É. Understanding experiences of and rationales for sharing crack-smoking equipment: a qualitative study with persons who smoke crack in Montréal
- Controlling chaos: the perceptions of long-term crack cocaine users in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
- The Utilization and Delivery of Safer Smoking Practices and Services: A Narrative Synthesis
- Smoking of crack cocaine as a risk factor for HIV infection among people who use injection drugs
- Individuals Reporting Past 3-month Smoked Stimulant Use Are Placed at Risk for Infection and Injury Amid COVID-19
- Combining respondent-driven sampling with a community-based participatory action study of people who smoke drugs in two cities in British Columbia, Canada
- Heroin pipe distribution to reduce high-risk drug consumption behaviors among people who use heroin: a pilot quasi-experimental study
- Safe inhalation pipe provision (SIPP): protocol for a mixed-method evaluation of an intervention to improve health outcomes and service engagement among people who use crack cocaine in England
- The Global State of Harm Reduction (First international report to list safer smoking as metric for success worldwide)
- Legality of drug checking equipment in US (great article touching on paraphernalia laws)
- High levels of interest in access to free safer smoking equipment to reduce injection frequency among people who inject drugs in Seattle, WA
- CDC Reports increase in overdose deaths linked to inhalation vs. injection
- Society for the Study of Addiction Letter to Editor by SAMEER IMTIAZ1, CAROL STRIKE, TARA ELTON-MARSHALL, JÜRGEN REHM
- High levels of interest in access to free safer smoking equipment to reduce injection frequency among people who inject drugs in Seattle, Washington
- Laws that Criminalize Paraphernalia Increase Drug-Related Harm and Should Be Repealed
- Hoots and harm reduction: a qualitative study identifying gaps in overdose prevention among women who smoke drugs
- Examining prevalence and correlates of smoking opioids in British Columbia: opioids are more often smoked than injected
- Distribution of Safer Drug Smoking Supplies as a Public Health Strategy: Addictions, Drug & Alcohol Institute
- To what extent do supervised drug consumption services incorporate non-injection routes of administration? A systematic scoping review documenting existing facilities
- Distributing Safer Smoking Supplies Can Help Reduce Health Risks of Opioid/Stimulant Use
- Results from the 2023 WA State Syringe Services Program Health Survey (See presentation under "webinar/surveys")
- Exploring racial and secondary substance use differences in route of administration of opioid drugs: Analysis of the 2015–2019 treatment admission data
- Patterns of Routes of Administration and Drug Tampering for Nonmedical Opioid Consumption: Data Mining and Content Analysis of Reddit Discussions
- Comparisons of injection and non-injection opioid use among Black people in methadone treatment: A pilot in Detroit
- Drug use generations and patterns of injection drug use: Birth cohort differences among people who inject drugs in Los Angeles and San Francisco, California
- Racial and ethnic changes in heroin injection in the United States: Implications for the HIV/AIDS epidemic
- Comparing Injection and Non-Injection Routes of Administration for Heroin, Methamphetamine, and Cocaine Uses in the United States
- An urgent impetus for action: safe inhalation interventions to reduce COVID-19 transmission and fatality risk among people who smoke crack cocaine in the United Kingdom
- Why Harm Reductionists Distribute Safer (Drug) Smoking Supplies
- Distributing Safer Smoking Pipes Increases Engagement with Harm Reduction Services in the United States: Findings from the National Survey of Syringe Services Programs
- High levels of interest in access to free safer smoking equipment to reduce injection frequency among people who inject drugs in Seattle, Washington
- Pipes as a Harm Reduction Tool: Insights from People Who Use Methamphetamine in Rural Illinois