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Smoke Works in the News
Recent Media Features

No, Biden Is Not Handing Out Crack Pipes. Here’s Why Harm Reduction Activists Do.
Read article on Truthout
Opioid Politics in Congress Casts Pall Over Bid to Cut Overdoses
Read article on Bloomberg Law
Explaining the Claim That the Biden Administration Is Funding 'Crack Pipes'
Read article on the New York Times
Why people Are Still shooting Drugs They'd Rather Smoke
Read article on Filter Magazine
Psych and the City Podcast: Lets Talk About Pipes, Baby
Smoke Works Director Jim Duffy talks about our mission, growth, and success in expanding access to injection alternatives
Listen To The ShowWe won an award!
The Innovation in Harm Reduction award recognizes us for "pioneering creative and nontraditional approaches to dismantle systems, fight toward equitable policies, and promote harm reduction.